Satcast has succesfully connected two more vessels to teleport in Europe to provide our best regional coverage in the area of Mediterranean sea and Middle East.
Custromer had a request to transfer data from different sensors, located on all main vessel equipment to its office to have full screen of situation onboard in almost a real-time. In this case, as soon as ther is no video transfer required, they got 8/2 Mbps channel (MIR) and 2048/1024 Kbps (CIR), which costs adequate money and is enough for their needs.
In this case, we prepared the configuration files for the iDirect satellite routers and instructed the Customer's IT-specialists, who independently configured the equipment onboard the vessels and successfully connected the vessels to the Internet. They also made full internal network configuration onboard and setup of all related hardware devices and software. After connection tests was succesfully passed, vessels was admitted to the satellite network.